Comprehensive and engaging video resources for your RTO training needs. Assessment + LMS options.
Teaser CourseWe specialise in bringing learning resources to life with a selection of videos and assessments, fully mapped for audit guarantee. From First Aid and Low Voltage Rescue to the Confined Space and Elevated Work Platforms, we offer a range of RTO training packages for an unmatched learning experience.
ProductsOptional webcam capture for authenticity.
Electronic theory completion certificates.
Create custom email notifications for student completions.
Our resources are available to use with your own Learning Management System or we can set you up with an LMS where all assessments have been prebuilt, mapped and are ready to go. We leverage the power of world-class LMS platforms that are easy to use, fully mobile responsive and equipped with webcam capture. LTI is also available for integration.
PricingOur unique licensing agreement means anybody can benefit from our extensive online learning packages. With a quick setup, lower capital requirements, larger ROIs with low risk and commitment, you keep expenses under control and your compliance – in check.